Monday, July 6, 2009

Such a suite deal

***This is not a paid endorsement ( I wish!) and I take no responsibility if you visit my favorite hotel and have a crappy experience. I'm just sharing something that works for our family.***

For the past couple of years, our favorite hotel for trips longer than one night is The Embassy Suites. There are several reasons why it's at the top of our list.

  • First and most importantly, my husband and I can put the kids to bed, close the bedroom door and have our evening grownup time out in the other room, doing grownup stuff, which in our case mostly consists of watching TV and eating snacks and staying up later than we had planned.
  • Secondly there is the kitchenette in every room, with a mini fridge, microwave, and paper towels. This means we don't have to run out somewhere every time somebody needs a cup of milk. Which is often.
  • Then you have the free breakfast every morning. My kids might be picky eaters but they will always devour breakfast foods. Rather than driving to a restaurant and buying five meals, we just take the elevator downstairs and everybody eats as much of whatever they want. It's really a beautiful thing.


Kersten said...

It IS a beautiful thing! We love the Embassy suites too. Love that free breakfast. So good to hear from you! How's the writing going? You wondered where to buy my humor'd be easiest to buy it online for you I think. You can just click the book cover on my blog to get to my publisher who sells it online. Thanks so much! I can't wait to buy your first book!

Firefly Mom said...

I would even give up the free breakfast just to have a kitchen and separate room! Of course, that probably has something to do with the fact that I travel with a garbage pit (aka a teenage boy) who requires feeding every 36 seconds.

Maureen said...

AND a free happy hour with snacks and lemonade and cocktails!!!! It's our favorite too- one that I recommend to parents.