Monday, September 29, 2008

Harnessing the power of the Web to watch Ninja Cat

Apparently the "viral video" of the week is Ninja Cat.

Millions of viewers have watched Ninja Cat, a funny clip on Yahoo! Video's Animal All-Stars.

Here is another link to Ninja Cat.

The popularity of Ninja Cat has brought me to the realization that I'm going about this blogging thing all wrong.

What Ruth, the Mom needs, obviously, is more humorous animal videos, such as Ninja Cat, to attract viewers.

All you really need is one viral video like Ninja Cat to bring a slew of new visitors to your site.

I'm working on it! I do have two rather lazy but sometimes humorous dogs. My video might not be as funny as Ninja Cat, but if I can find some old footage of my dog chasing bubbles until he was almost ready to pass out, it just might be the ticket.

In the meantime you might have noticed I have already used the words Ninja Cat eight times in this post.

If Google directed you here, and you are looking for a link to Ninja Cat, here it is:

Ninja Cat

Thanks for visiting Ruth, the Mom. Be sure to come back soon!


Kersten said...

You are so funny! I love it!

Anonymous said...

ninja cat == classic