Which was all well and good until I started unloading the dishwasher (left-handed) and a glass broke in two as I picked it up:
But seriously, what is up here? Even stranger is the fact that last year at about this same time, things were breaking and shattering left and right around here. We had just moved in and I assumed the place must be cursed. But after a while things got better and I assumed the place must not be cursed. Now, of course, I realize that my home is only cursed for about a week right around the end of July. Something about an ancient glass-breaking ritual, apparently.
Hopefully this will end soon. In the meantime, I'm seriously considering using paper cups.
Paper cups may be a good idea for you... or at least BPA free plastic ones. ;)
Seriously, I don't think you know your strength. I slight touch is glass shattering... Are you Wonder Woman? I used to have Wonder Woman Under-roos. ;)
what is up with you? does this mean 14 years of bad luck??? YIKES.
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