Sunday, April 19, 2009

And I'm not a material girl

"After a visit to the beach, it's hard to believe that we live in a material world."
-Pam Shaw

Just having spent a day at the beach, I would have to agree with Pam, whoever she is.

We had sunshine, plenty of sand to go around, our battle-weary shovels and pails, and all the time in the world.

We had digging, we had construction, we had destruction. We had trenches and holes and bridges and tunnels and mountains. The kids had their mommy and daddy, with no distractions. Mommy and Daddy made countless trips into the ice-cold, foot-numbing Pacific Ocean to collect water in the pails, which the kids would promptly dump onto the sand.

Nothing high-tech. No phones, televisions, computers, or other gadgets. Aside from the buckets of water, the kids asked for nothing. We had to force them to occasionally eat and drink. At the end of the day, only the promise of ice cream lured them from the seaside.

Ah, contentment. It was about as close to a perfect birthday weekend as a person could wish for.

(p.s. My apologies to those of us who now have a certain Madonna song stuck in our heads.)

1 comment:

Firefly Mom said...

Yes, I *do* now have that song in my head, but it's not all your fault (just posted a pix of her on my blog ;)

Sounds like the perfect day at the beach!